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We are proud to have successfully implemented the Salesforce CRM system at the firm to help with their B2B commerce activitie...
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The way CRM solutions supports sales isn't rocket science. Basic CRM functionality have matured over the last 25 years.
The way CRM solutions supports sales isn't rocket science. Basic CRM functionali...
Most CRM solutions include a set of seasoned components. True innovators, like Salesforce release futuristic tools every year...
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Service industry statistics and trends predict a tripling cost of customer acquisition versus retention.
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Service management has a long history - and it's far from over. There's a bunch of new kids on the block.
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A Salesforce CRM system can only be truly successful if it is continuously monitored and optimized after implementation.
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Our new app for sales people using Salesforce. Write a memo once and for all with Smart Meeting Minutes and save time.
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